Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Its Officially.....A GIRL!!!!

We had our ultra sound the Friday before Christmas so we decided it would be fun to open it as one of our "gifts". We gave an envelope with the picture in it to both of our parents and then called on Christmas morning and we all opened it together. It was really fun! Jason and I both felt like it was a girl anyway, but its nice to have it confirmed. My kids aren't shy about who they are. :D Its not hard to tell. So her name will be Aliya Grace. (pronunciation is "uhh-lee-uhh") We're very excited to welcome her to our home!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A little comic relief....aka Joshua's new words to an old song

As we were eating breakfast this morning, Josh turned on my Harry Connick Jr. Christmas CD. He loves the Rudolph and Toy Parade songs on it...but a new favorite (most likely because of the drum beat) he asked Jason and I if we liked the song "Rub a bum bum". We both just started laughing...even as I'm typing this I'm still laughing. Oh, how he makes me laugh!!! I love this little guy in my life! Hope you enjoyed a little comic relief yourself.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Okay Everyone...I need your help!

In preparation for the musical fireside, I would really love for anyone/everyone to leave a comment about a few things: #1 A short story/or comment about what the Atonement means to you or an experience that you've had in how the Atonement has helped you. (All aspects of the Atonement. (if you don't want to leave it on here you can email it to me at jason.melanie.crane@gmail.com) #2 Favorite Artists/songs about the Atonement. They can be hymns, or hymn arrangements, or newer artists and their songs.

If you don't want to share a personal experience, that's Ok, but if you could atleast think of music that has moved you or helped you through the Atonement would be fabulous!

Thank you all in advance. I really appreciate it.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Josh falling in love

Yesterday morning, Josh came out of his room after waking up and had a great big smile on his face. I'm always excited to see Josh in the morning, but especially when he's smiling. :D I asked him how he was doing.
"Great, I had a really good dream"
"Oh yeah, what was your dream about?"
"Falling in love..."
(me trying not to laugh)"so who did you fall in love with?"
"the white girl...she had really long hair. She was a princess and she gave me magic stones. They could even go in dirt AND sand."
"wow sounds pretty cool." ....LOL

What a crack up! It made me laugh.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Calvin and Hobbes

We took the truck over to the shop to get some things fixed. Its pretty close to our house but Josh was complaining that he was tired so I brought the umbrella stroller in case he didn't feel like walking. I had just pulled him out of bed so he was a little cranky and of course needed to bring his stuffed Lion with him.

After leaving the autoshop, Josh decided that he wanted to let his Lion ride in the stroller and he would push it. It made me think of Calvin and Hobbes because for the next hour we went walking around the neighborhood playing at a couple of different parks and Josh did not want to take the stroller home because he wanted his lion to come with. The Lion sat patiently in the stroller while Josh swung on the swings and chased Dakota around and climbed on the big guns (military guns in memorial park). It was really funny.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Josh's First Primary Program

I always enjoy the primary program each year. The children do such a great job and its so fun to see their energy and their beautiful smiles as they say their part and sing the songs. But this year was extra special because it was Josh's first time. We had only practiced his lines for 2 Sundays. When he got up there Sis. Shapiro asked if he needed help and he said no. But he stood there for a minute and he looked at me. I gave him the cue for his 1st part by mouthing the word to him so he just looked at me to prompt him when he got stuck. I was so proud of him. He said it slowly enough that you could understand him and he talked in a normal voice...(while practicing he often went really fast and would use silly voices so I was a little concerned). His lines were "After this earthlife is over and my body dies, I will one day be resurrected. Because of Jesus Christ's atonement I will be able to live with Heavenly Father again." All I had to prompt him was the words "After", "one day" and "because". It was so sweet. The rest of the time he had a hard time sitting still. He didn't sing a whole lot but he swung his arms back and forth to the beat of the song and he would say "bop" to the words. He was the percussion for the music. LOL...our little beat-boxer. After church we asked him why he didn't sing very much. He said he didn't know the words, only a few of them. So I told Jason, I need to do better next year at helping him know the songs. The Spirit was really strong in the meeting and touched my heart. Its awesome that we can know at such a young age that we are "chilren of God"!

Friday, November 7, 2008

My Amazing Husband

So this week has been a rough one. On monday I "tossed my cookies" (name that movie) 5 times. I was so weak and frustrated from being so sick. I told Jason how I was doing and told him in tears that the house was a mess and I didn't have dinner made. He told me not to worry about it and that he will come home and take care of me. So we grabbed some take out and came home, but I couldn't keep the food down. So he got me some apple sauce and that seemed to work. Then I took a bath and he read to me. (One of my favorite things for him to do. His voice is so soothing to me) Once I got out of the tub we moved to the bedroom and he continued to read to me a Josh. It was so wonderful. Then on Tuesday, I was able to keep food down but was feeling very weak and still nauseated. That night, I didn't have dinner made either and when I told Jason that Josh just had a bowl of cereal for dinner, he said he was fine with that. -What a sweetheart! On Wednesday I was feeling pretty good, so I baked bread and made home-made pizza and breadsticks. Then Thursday night a good friend called me at 6 and asked if we'd eaten dinner yet, (I was just planning to have left-overs) so she brought us yummy home-made chicken noodle soup and bread and brownies and then she stayed and helped me clean...deep clean (walls and ceilings). So I feel very blessed this week that even though I haven't felt the greatest, I've had a VERY understanding and sweet husband to help take care of me and some great friends to help me out. Thanks Erin! and Shalee. and of course thank you sweetheart for making me the luckiest woman in the world to be married to such an amazing husband. I love you.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Beautiful Sabbath

Can I just tell you how much I love this time change?? When you wake up on a beautiful Sunday morning and realize you get another hour to do whatever you want. The leaves are absolutely gorgeous b/c it rained last night and so their colors are more vibrant than ever. Its a beautiful day.
So something interesting is happening in my life right now. Before I get into it, I need to give some background. All growing up, one of my life's goals and dreams has been to be someone that inspires others to be better. I've wanted to do that through testimony but especially through the power of music. So in essence I've wanted to be a motivational speaker and do musical firesides. Having had no experience in that, I've been pretty intimidated to put anything together. However about 6 years ago, I started feeling this really strong impression that I needed to do it. But, I let fear get in the way and the rest of life took over so it never happened. Because of personal experiences in the last 3 years I've developed an even deeper and greater understanding of the atonement and so that pressing desire to share my testimony has become even stronger. Back in March I had emailed our stake music chair and had mentioned to him my desires to do a musical fireside about the Savior and the Atonement. The reason I mentioned it to him was to have him as a source of experience that I could draw on in putting something together like this. I didn't hear back from him until a month ago. He's been attending our Sunday school class on music and how to use the hymn book more effectively etc. He stopped me after class and brought up the email. He said he would love to help me with it. It would probably need to be on a ward level b/c it would be a lot harder to do it on a stake level as far an approval from the stake presidency goes. That was my intention anyway so I was excited to know we could start working on something. Then 2 weeks ago, he came up to me and told me that he'd just gotten out of a meeting with the stake presidency and they thought it would be really good to have a musical fireside on the Savior and asked if he could put something together for Easter. So he told me that if I would be able and willing he'd like to delegate that to me, and that he would get it ok'd with the Stake Presidency. I felt humbled and honored and of course agreed. So that's been the most pressing thought on my mind as of late. I know its 5 months away but I know that it takes a lot of preparation and due diligence to make something like that a success, but I've felt a calmness and humility that the Lord will be able to use me and many others in the stake to get His message across. I'm very excited for the opportunity to bear testimony of Him and to testify of His power to heal us. I love my Savior and I want as many people as possible to feel of His great power in their life.
I'll probably need feedback from all ya'll when I start to get something together. So be ready to help me bounce ideas off of you. ;D Have a beautiful Sabbath!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I just had to post this. SOO FUNNY!!

I was on facebook and a girl I went to highschool with had written this on her page. I would love to have the opportunity to try the same experiment. :D haha

Angie Floyd King:

"Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read "Vote Obama, I need the money." I laughed.
Once in the restaurant my server had on a 'Obama 08' tie, again I laughed as he had given away his political preference -- just imagine the coincidence.
When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need--the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight.
I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to thank the server inside as I've decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful.
At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn even though the actual recipient needed money more.

I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our Nation

There are far too many people out there that follow the herd, or the supposed shepherd...baaa baaa. Why is this the case with so many that are out there. Do we "hurt" too much so that we must "drown" our lives in The Office, and Lost? Do we have nothing more to talk about than what the last episode was about. What about the economy, our nation (the greatest on the earth) going downhill very fast, or the way in which we can take part to make a difference. There are too many our age, and all of the other ages for that matter that do nothing and get the huge dividends that nothing offers. What a joke. We must stand up for what we believe, whatever side it is on, and we must not allow apathy to kill us and destroy everything that we as a nation have been able to become. I love this country for all that it offers in opportunity, expression, freedom, and religion (or lack therof). Let's stand together and become better! Let us become the Americans that I know we can become. Let us get out of our chairs and vote and make a difference. Do your part. I will do mine! And if not, go somewhere else where the rest of the people don't care enought to say anything there either. Go "take advantage" (or disadvantage as I would call it) of what they (meaning other nations) have to offer. It doesn't even compare. I am American, and I am proud to be part of the greatest land in the world. I am American and I can and DO make a difference. I am American, and I love this country!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Conversation with someone of opposing Opinions

This is a conversation that I had on facebook with a husband of a girl I used to work with.

She had put as her Status to say no to prop 8. I felt compelled to comment and this is how the conversation went.

Tacia Reimschiissel Coleman is NO ON PROP 8, STOP THE HATE!
Melanie Crane at 10:21am October 17
Its not about hate. I don't hate people that are gay. I have a friend who is gay. I just think that its swinging too far the other way...It will effect how the family unit it taught.
Natty Coleman at 10:23am October 17
the family unit? who are you to define that? how is equal treatment swinging too far the 'other way'?
Nicole Marie De Petro at 10:26am October 17
would you like it if you couldn't marry the one that you love?!
Melanie Crane at 10:31am October 17
Isn't it awesome that we live in a free country and can express our personal beliefs and opinions. I didn't define the family unit. God did. Because I believe in Him and what He teaches I will stand by what He says.
Natty Coleman at 10:57am October 17
Well that's convenient. Yes we do have the right to free expression of ideas, unfortunately that includes fundamentally flawed ideas, and ones that are dangerous to the very ideals of equality in society. Bringing a personal belief in god into this decidedly secular issue that a few organized religions happened to decide they need to impose their beliefs on pretty much disqualifies you from rational intelligent discourse.
Melanie Crane at 11:21am October 17
I'm sorry that you feel that because I believe in a Supreme being, I am therefore disqualified as capable of having a rational intelligent discourse. If this were merely secular, I really wouldn't have a problem with it. But what I see happening is the indoctrination for my children to be taught that marriage between man and man or woman and woman is the new blue. And that I as a parent have no part in deciding what morals I want my child to value. If its legalized then any teacher in school has the right to tell my young and impressionable children that gay marriage is the right thing. Though I'm coming from a religious point of view, and you may not (I don't know) you express your beliefs just as passionately as I do mine. There has to be a balance that each can maintain their beliefs w/o infringing on the rights of others. I'm not sure where that balance is, I just feel really strongly that if this does not pass, our society as a whole will crumble.
Natty Coleman at 11:42am October 17
If that's not hate, I don't know what is.
Melanie Crane at 12:05pm October 17
How is that hate? I am actively teaching my son to love everyone, despite religion, race, physical or mental ability or sexual preference. But to love someone does not mean that you have to condone their actions or lifestyles. You can love a person for who they are as a child of God, but not have to agree with their point of views/beliefs etc. I have a good friend that sexually assaulted someone, do I stop loving them, because I despise what they did? I don't hate anyone. I am only standing up for what I believe.
Natty Coleman at 12:50pm October 17
You are actively propagating a doctrine of exclusion, of inequality. You are right; you CAN disagree with someone, but still love them. You are being contradictory however in imposing your beliefs and actively excluding someone's rights, but at the same time saying you love them/not hate them. Your doctrine of exclusion is more dangerous to this society's welfare than the ability of gays to marry, given that you have established no basis for the pretty serious accusation that gays are detrimental to society's survival, and instead you invoke the word of god. Its pretty apparent you really don't have anything to offer this discussion besides religious rhetoric and irrelevant personal anecdotes. Because of that I am out! See ya!

This is a very real fight for the freedom of religion and what our children will be taught. And this is how the opposition feels...that its not a moral or religious issue, its a secular issue. Everything I said was twisted. As hard as it is, we have GOT to be MORE VOCAL about our beliefs and not be afraid to be "disqualified from intelligent conversations" for expressing the TRUTH. Truth is truth whether we choose to believe it or not. I'm so grateful that because of the experiences I've had in my life my testimony burns deep that we will not be left comfortless in this world of ever growing wickedness. I know that those that put their trust in God and live His doctrines the best they know how, that they will be protected. I also know, that we will be called on to fight...just like the Stripling warriors. It may not be on a bloody battle front but it will be a battle ground to protect our families. We will probably not get out of this life w/o battlewounds but they will heal, ALL of them, if we truly understand and accept the Atonement. I love all of you and pray for your families as well as mine.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Great Fun With Great People Supporting a Great Team!

So I got a call from my cousin Kelly on Friday afternoon inviting us to go with them to the Homecoming BYU Football game. Of course, our response was an emphatic YES!! We had such a great time with them. When they first came to our house we were a little "distraught" (ok not really) that we didn't have ANY BYU garb to wear. But no worries...we found our way to the Cougar den and purchased some new sweatshirts and hats to help keep us warm during the game. (at a GREAT discounted price! ;D) Ben treated us to some chairs and Hot Chocolate (Thank you VERY MUCH!!! -Much more tolerable to sit for 4+ hours when you have a back to lean against and no one...not even Stephen's is quite as good as BYU's hot chocolate. Yummy!) We had a delight hanging out with the two of them. It was kind of funny too, I saw more extended family yesterday at the game then I do the rest of the year except at the family reunion. :D (Thanks Sonja for telling us that story. I'm so happy to hear of other prayers being answered by following a suggestion to increase your faith and your fast offering) After the game, Kelly and I got to visit while Ben and Jason went to Springville to pick up Josh and some pizza. Hopefully in a couple of weeks when they take Chris to the game, we'll be able to hang out after and let the little guys play. :D Thanks again Kelly & Ben for thinking of us. We really enjoyed ourselves with you guys...and Jason told me last night after you left that he really likes the both of you. :D Me too!

Kelly and Ben Roseborough

Me and Jason

The Final Score

A Shot of the Stadium and Field from our seats.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Josh's New little Playmate

We have a new family that just moved into our ward about a month ago. Its a single mom with 2 beautiful little girls. The older one is in school but the younger one is 4. So I've been watching her on Monday's and Thursday's to help her mom out. Well we were driving around town last week running errands and I hear them talking in the backseat. This was their conversation.

Josh: "When I grow up, I'm going to fall in love with you and we're going to get married."
Lily: "No, I'm going to fall in love with Clayton."
Josh: "Who's Clayton?"
Lily: "He's my friend."
Josh: "No, you have to fall in love with me!"
Lily: "I know, when I grow up, I'll fall in love with 2 people!"

That seemed to appease him. I just giggled in the front seat. Like her falling in love with 2 people is going to solve the problem. LOL. It was pretty funny. She and Josh play really well together. Out of all of his friends, they fight the least. She's a doll. Plus they pretty much keep each other entertained so I can get other things done, or as in the case lately, get some more rest. :D

Friday, October 3, 2008

General Relief Society Meeting

Wow, can I just say that was such a powerful meeting! I can see the mantle of responsibilities our leaders have and I'm just amazed. With everything that's going on in the world right now, I've really keyed into what our leaders have been teaching. Especially the Prophet and those that serve with him. The Lord knows what we need to hear and when we need to hear it. What I need to do is Listen and Act. So I want to share what I got out of the meeting.

Sister Beck: "There is more to be done. Its time for us to fulfill our purpose-as never before." I know many people, especially sisters feel worn out and feel like they are doing what they can so I think its interesting that we're being told that there's more to do...its time to step up. I've been feeling this in my own life, like I need to cut out the fat and do only what's truly important. Its much easier to think about it, than to change habits and do it. But I feel inspired that I really can do a lot more than I'm doing. I can prioritize better and not waist so much time.
"We have an official commission to be part of the Lord's work. Look after the spiritual welfare and salvation of each sister. How: 1. Increase our faith and personal righteousness (what is holding us back to get to the next level of spirituality and personal connection with the Savior?) 2. Strengthen families & homes. Defend and practice the truths! Our homes HAVE to be a refuge for our children. Relief Society will be your "mother". Be powerful spiritual leaders. 3. Serve the Lord and His children. W/O personal revelation we cannot succeed. W/ Revelation we cannot fail. Be quiet and listen. Receiving revelation isn't pushing buttons; its pushing us. The Lord cannot fulfill his purposes w/o His daughters. We need a BIGGER personal offering." Wow...its time to get bigger. :D
Sis. Allred: "The ordinances of the temple are symbolic that we may be taught from on high by the spirit. The gifts we bring to the alter are clean hands and a pure heart. Attend the temple to increase your vision of His eternal plans." -Over the last 4-5 years, I've been taught to dream big, to be around people that can stretch my vision so that I may be stretched and reach my potential...who can stretch my vision more of my purpose than My Heavenly Father?
Sis. Thompson: " Act on those sympathies that God has planted in our hearts. VTing: If the sister being taught had something to share she would bless her sisters. If she was in need, the teachers gave to her." - I think that's interesting. We need to have the attitude of offering what we have to give and being willing to accept help when we are in need. "RS is not just a class on Sunday. Its part of our heritage. Next time I'm asked to speak, have something to say." -I thought that story was so funny! and its a reminder that we need to be studying and developing that personal relationship to be able to share it when we are called upon. "Step Up and Be Strong. Be Bold in my life and testimony. If I live up to my priveledge, the angels cannot be restrained. (I truly believe that and have felt that in my life!) We CAN be extraordinary today! We can be a mighty force for good."
Pres. Uchtdorf: "What a blessing to be surrounded by the many women that shape us. We under value our abilities and focus on the things not accomplished. Instead...FOCUS on what HAS been accomplished. (I have a renewed dedication to do this. ) What is the greatest kind of happiness? God's. Which is Creating and Being Compassionate
Everyone can create something of substance and beauty. My Spirit body is a masterpiece. It is my birthright to experience a fullness of joy. What I create does not have to be perfect. See how many smiles you can create. Adorn your mind with all the graces of Jesus Christ (I think that was beautifully said). Create beauty all around me and w/in me that the angels may come and visit and I can look on my creations w/ pleasure. The Lord smiles on those that care for the least of His children. Work will cure your grief(I say AMEN!) Serve others -Pres. Hinckley- Those that bring sunshine to those around them can't keep it from themselves. EVERY SISTER IS NEEDED. True words of encouragement only require a loving heart but may have eternal impact. (how many of you have felt that? I know I have many times. Which means, I need to speak up more to share my appreciation for the wonderful people around me). He that is greatest, be the servant. The # of prayers I say are important but the # of prayers I answer are more significant. (I thought that was profound) Happiness is my heritage. By my compassionate service I am a force for good.
Don't you just feel empowered to go out and do more? To be better? We just need to pick 1 or 2 things and start working on them. We don't have to do it all, we just have to move forward. Hope you enjoyed the conference as much as I did and that you're enjoying General Conference. :D

Playing Catch Up

Sorry its been 2 weeks since my last blog. This pregnancy hasn't been as easy as the first one. This week especially. I've been in bed most of the week. I'm really nauseous no matter what I eat but I've kept it down so that's a blessing. I've been a LOT more moody with this one too. Poor Jason and Josh have gotten the brunt of it. Can we just say WITCH!?!? But even with all of that, I have to recognize my many blessings and the fact that I'm pregnant, BEFORE Jason had the surgery is a huge one. Thanks again to all of you who added your faith and prayers to ours. I know so many other couples that have these same struggles and my heart goes out to them. I feel very humbled that the Lord has heard and answered our prayers with such an amazing blessing.
So as a matter of catching up, I'm going to post a few things to let you know what's been on my mind. :D Stay tuned....

Monday, September 15, 2008

Josh's "News"

In the beginning of July we had been talking to Josh about wanting to have a baby and had prayed with him about it several times. This was the conversation we had as I was putting him to bed one night.

Josh: "I want to pray for a baby right now!"

Me: "Ok, that's fine, go ahead"

Josh: "Heavenly Father...we really want to have a baby...in the name..."

Josh: "He said Yes!"

I laughed and thought how adorable my little boy is. Well he was right. I got pregnant about 6 weeks later. Oh the faith of a child!

Thank you to all who added your fasting and prayers to ours. The Lord heard us. I'm due in May.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pre-School for Josh

My Sis-in-law Nicole and I decided that we wanted to do Pre-school for Lexi and Josh. So she's going to teach one week and then I'll teach the next. I'm really excited for it. The kids are excited for it and its been really fun doing it. I'm also teaching him how to read from the Book "How to teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons". Josh is loving it. He was begging me at the
beginning of the summer to teach him how to read, but this summer was just too crazy to then so we started last week. I love to teach. Nicole is a Fabulous teacher and she has a book with a whole curriculum so it takes the orgnization hassle out of it. yeah for us! haha. Any way its fun.

Old and New Friends @ Ed Week

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Education Week! I HIGHLY recommend it!

When we heard about education week at the beginning of August, we were at Jason's nephew's baby blessing. He leaned over to me and said "you're going". I smiled and said "oh yeah?!" He told me that I should. He didn't have to twist my arm. I LOVE Ed-week. My mom got me addicted to it when I was 14. So she did what her mom did for her and took Josh for me that week so I could go. I planned out my courses for everyday, some I would be going to the full series (all 4 days) and others were just here and there. You can take 10 classes a day and so I ended up going to 34 for the week. I was a wee bit worn out by the end of it, but so incredibly armed with ideas and its been really fun to start implementing them. My favorite overall class was "How to be an Influencer", #2 "How to teach your children to be Leaders" #3 Several different classes on how to be Abundant financially. (That was fun because most of it is what my company teaches and was just a reconfirmation of what we do for people to help them win financially) #4 How to take less time but get more accomplished in keeping house!
I also met up with some old friends and met new friends. It was wonderful.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Jess Tagged Me!

*Four random things I like (adore) about my Husband?
1. His SEXY legs!
2. His Beautiful Smile!
3. His Work Ethic
4. His sense of humor!

*Four movies that I would watch more than once?
1. Remember the Titans
2. Glory Road
3. Facing the Giants
4. The Kid

*Four Tv Shows I watch more than once?
1. Numb3rs
2. Ghost Whisperer
3. American Idol

*Four Places I have Been?
1. Okinowa, Japan
2. Minot, North Dakota
3. Calgary, Canada
4. Orlando, Florida

*Four people who E-Mail me regularly?
1. Sis-in-law Kristen
2. Exec Sec, Bro Danner
3. Husband, Jason
4. Google, Calendar

*Four Favorite Foods?
1. Mexican
2. Fresh grown Garden Tomatoes
3. Protein Shakes w/ fruit in them
4. Zucchini Bread

*Four places I would like to visit?
1. Tahiti
2. Kauai, Hawaii
3. Alaska
4. Nauvoo

*Four things I am looking forward to in the coming year?
1. Doing pre-school w/ my sis in law, for Josh and his cousins
2. Holiday Baking and family service projects
3. Hopefully adding a new member to our family.
4. Amy my sis in law living with us

*Four people that I have Tagged!
1. Amy C.
2. Tara M.
3. Kelly R.
4. Teresa B.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy Anniversary # 10 For Jason & Melanie

I can hardly believe it but today is our Anniversary. Ten years ago today Jason and I were driving down to Manti together sharing our patriarchal blessings with each other, stopping at McDonald's for a burger to make sure we'd have energy and not be cranky and @ 2pm in the afternoon in the Manti Temple, Jason and I were sealed for time and all eternity. The weather was gorgeous, and our family and friends were stuffed into the sealing room. It was a white wedding b/c we were sealed in the Emerald room that is right off the Celestial Room. It was so beautiful. We did a session b4 the sealing, Mom and Dad Crane were the witness couple. Those who couldn't attend the session just met us in the sealing room after. The spirit was so strong that I couldn't keep from getting teary eyed. In our video you could see how extremely happy we were. We could hardly kiss at first b/c our smiles were so BIG! But, we figured it out...haha We were kissing almost the whole video. We had a beautiful dinner at a bed and breakfast there in Manti and then we headed up to Provo for our first night together. Mom Pug put us up in a hotel b/c she said that NO-One should spend their wedding night in their apartment. :D lol. Our Reception was the next day and then on Sunday night we left for Mammoth Lakes, CA for our honeymoon (provided by Mur mur and Mur Far Broman) And that was the beginning of our marriage... What an ADVENTURE it has been. The Lord really had His hand in my life when He picked Jason for me!!! I have put him through HELL and back and he has been there for me every step of the way. I am the luckiest bride in the world!
So reasons I adore Jason (in no particular order):
1. His gentle and loving eyes
2. His BIG laugh!
3. His dry and not so dry sense of humor.
4. His work ethic
5. His GREAT Legs! -very sexy!
6. His beautiful smile
7. His spontenuity and playfulness
8. His willingness to serve
9. His testimony
10. That he's an Honorable Priesthood Holder
11. His Great Listening Skills
12. His Great "Daddy" Skills!!
13. The fact that Josh wants to grow up and be like him! "cuz he's cool!"
14. That he dances with me and can still sweep me off my feet.
15. Our deep conversations...how we can REALLY talk!
16. Forgiving Heart. -He is incapable of holding a grudge!
17. His singing, both tenderly and silly! :D
18. His belief in ME!
19. How he gets EXCITED about things. Its SO cute!
20. The fact that he loves and adores me. :D
21. Man of MANY talents!! He can read a book on how to do something and then go do it.
22. He's my handy man!
23. His willingness to Sacrifice so much for me and Josh!
24. He's a great Brother...he has a great relationship with each of his siblings.
25. He's a very loyal friend, to me and all the rest of his friends.
26. He's athletic.
27. He treats me like a QUEEN!
28. That he randomly buys me cute dresses, just so I can feel pretty!
29. He defends me if someone has something neg to say about me.
30. He randomly buys me flowers...just to say "I love you" & b/c I like them. (esp wild flowers)

Thank you sweetheart for adding so much to my life. I love you with All of my heart. xoxo

Chad/Marianna Posterity @ Family Reunion

Here's the link to the photo album:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Getting to know me, the "other" blogger Jason

So yesterday I had an interesting conversation with the CEO of my company. This is for your consideration. He mentioned that there are 3 levels of intimacy in relationship, friendships, and others. I brought to his attention, "you mean like water-skiing, snorkeling, and scuba diving". He said yes. I continued the analagy last night with a good friend of mine Ben. I told him that I love water skiing, and snorkeling, but have never been scuba diving. In relationships I believe that I am almost the same... I almost never go scuba diving. Why? you might ask, well though the beauty (so I hear and have seen in pictures) at 60 feet is spectacular, there are inherant dangers in it. Just to mention a few... The pressure becomes immense, your air could run out, you have to know what you are doing, especially going into caves, etc. Well I truly love to snorkel, it is amazingly beautiful and "less risky"? My CEO actually asked me, how are you supposed to accomplish what you want to if you aren't warm enough for others to acutally know? I thought that this was an extremely valid point. So to the start of getting to know me a little bit better, I propose that you ask a question, and I will provide an honest, and hopefully insightful answer that will help you know me a little better. I am also interested in getting to know each of you a little bit better. Online I believe it difficult to know someone at a "scuba" level, but certainly not difficult at a snorkeling level.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Pugmire Family Reunion 2008

What a glorious thing that Heavenly Father has blessed us with in Families!!! I LOVE family reunions! It was especially great for me going to this one b/c some of my cousins have blogs too and so I've been able to keep up on what's going on in their lives for the last several months. So it didn't feel like we had to catch up for the last year when we saw each other. We had such a fun time. We got up there a day late b/c Jason couldn't get off work but when we did..it was a packed adventure. :D After staying up until 4am getting the truck packed thursday night, we finally got out of the house around 10:30a Friday morning. We picked our normal spot for sleeping (down in the basement of the lodge, and thanks to Aunt Sonja we didn't have to sleep on just the extra padding we had brought...she let us borrow her extra air mattress. (Thanks Sonja! It helped Jason so much! -I didn't mind the benefit one bit. ;D) I got my hair done by cousin Kiley...I love having someone else do my hair! We decorated picture frames...which reminds me I didn't take a pic of that. :( Jason made a really sweet one for Josh. And then after dinner that night I stayed in the kitchen for several hours making 3 pies. 2 for the silent auction and one for my dad and gpa (lemon meringue, blueberry, & peach) It took me a lot longer than it normally does b/c I was enjoying the company of cousins ( Tara and Kelly and a few others that stopped in to say "You're STILL in here???) talking to me more than being focused on the pie-making...but they still turned out even though I had to start the lemon one over. ;D We of course stayed up late and talked and played games. Saturday is always the biggest day of the reunion. We do our family raffle and silent auction where everyone brings stuff to donate to it and then we buy tickets and put our names on them hoping to be drawn out...and/or we can bid on the silent auction items. -We do this to raise $ for the next year's reunion. -they had a contest during the raffle this year of who has the best and most excited reaction to their winning something. Tami won it HANDS DOWN!!! She is such a hoot!! In between the auction and the dinner, we played outside in the jump house that Tara rented (that was a BIG hit with the kids!) and played dodgeball with sponges...the funniest part was when the kids decided to attack the adults that were just enjoying themselves on the sidelines. Then Saturday night we had a fun program spotlighting some of the talent that we have in the family. and of course part of the that is always the hilarious Improv Skits that Uncle Rex writes b/c we have a lot of "characters" in our family if you know what I mean. This year the theme for the skit was super heros. Jason was mighty mouse...in minnie mouse ears with a big bow on em. LOL. The running line in the skit was about Troy's big clown tie making his butt look big. (which afterwards he got a chastening from his 5 year old son how he shouldn't be shakin his bum in front of the family. LOL) while the skit was going on...I was helping Jared and Lisa in the kitchen with making 4 big bowls of the YUMMY family recipe caramel popcorn. mmm makes my mouth water just typing about it. :D For my talent this year I sang a song that I picked on Thursday...it was "I love my life" by Jamie ONeal. Its just a fun upbeat country song. Then instead of doing a second song, I had Josh dance. He was a little shy this time, but he still did a great job. After the talent show, we did line dancing with all the cousins and some of the aunts which included 'boot scootin' boogie', 'fishin in the dark', the 'Macarena', and of course the "chicken dance"and then we learned a choregraphed dance to the music of "High School Musical" choreographed by Jesi and Amanda. It was awesome!!! and so much fun. I hate seeing how big my BUTT has gotten but it will be a different story next year, I've decided!

After I was officially tired from all the dancing, we stayed up and talked...and watched/listened to Josh and Ethan playing "Go Fish". Ethan was HILARIOUS!! I can't mimmick him very well but we were getting a hoot out of listening to him describle the coke cards to Josh. So funny...while that was happening I was hangin with Kenny and Troy telling each other jokes and riddles. About midnight I headed off to bed with Josh (jason had already crashed) or so I thought...he was downstairs talking with Ben and Kelly. So we finally get to bed and then about 3am I hear Ben startle awake and get up...he had gotten a face full of water from the rain coming through the roof where the owners had been doing contruction and it filled the heating vents and started raining on us downstairs. It was NASTY water...luckily Jason and I weren't right under them. We ended up taking everything upstairs and sleeping the rest of the time up there...well Josh and I did anyway...Jason decided he might as well just leave so he could make it back home for bishopric meetings and ward conference. So needless to say...a rough night. Sunday we had our usual storymony/testimony meeting...conducted by Van (yeah!!! -He's usually not there for it.) After that we had a slide show put on by Aaron from the pics he'd collected from everyone (I had taken 500 pics lol) We also got to see a video archive of a previous year's skit...that was Funny!!! Cousin Gordon showed some pics of the Sea of Galilee (sp?) and how much it looks like Bear Lake. We had lunch and then it was clean and go home time. Sad to see another reuinion come to a close but it was so wonderful! Another highlight for me was meeting Amy's daughters and friend Briann, Cami and Liz. They were so funny! I'm def going to have to spend some time over at their house this year! Well that's my summary of the family reunion....can't wait til next year!
Here's a link to our photobucket photo album...it was the only way to get all 447 pics on...(I deleted some)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Memory Tag

This is my first time doing a tag, but I thought it would be fun.

1. As a comment on this post, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty fun to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

I love making memories. :D Hopefully we've had many happy ones together. :D

Friday, July 25, 2008

In the words of the Beattles " Help! I need somebody, Help!...

So, I started a project and realized now that it is WAY OVER MY HEAD!!! Jason's little sister is coming to live with us Labor Day weekend. She's allergic to Dakota, so its given me the PERFECT opportunity to make her an OUTDOOR dog (yea!!! I've been trying to convince Jason to let me do this for a couple of months now). So in order to "detox" our house we have to get everything out of the basement...but I needed to start with the garage. So Jason's bro came and helped me pull everything out of the garage on Tuesday and I've spent the rest of the week working on the rest...yeah...way to big for 1 person to do. So I'm calling in the troops...I need some back up. If any of you can come and help me I would GREATLY appreciate it. We have 2 new students coming from Ecuador on Monday night, so I'm kind of in a crunch. We'll be working on it all day today, tomorrow and Monday. Call me and let me know if you can help me. Thanks so much. Love ya!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

American Idol Live Tour

We had such an amazing time at the concert. I seriously couldn't believe that I was there! I've never been to a big concert like that. The energy in the arena was high voltage! I got chills when David A. sang his song "When you say you love me". He cried at the end and it was so sweet. Seriously there was more energy in that arena than I've ever felt. At first Jason wasn't terribly excited to be there..for the music. But as the concert went on...he loved the rockers...Michael, Carly and of course David C. He even liked Syesha's song "Listen". I really loved the whole concert...except for Ramielle...sorry I'm not much of a fan of hers. I think that she has a beautiful voice, but she's not much of an entertainer. Chekezie started out the show and he puts on a great performance. They all got to do atleast 3 numbers. My favorites were Christy(surprisingly- she sounds better in person than on the show), Brooke, Syesha, David A, David C. I was so grateful to have won those tickets! It was a great date for Jason and me. Great memories!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Just plain Silliness

After looking at our pictures....by the way I LOVE having a digital camera!!! I realized we are just silly! Especially Josh. He loves to grab the camera and just take silly pictures of himself. I love Silliness....its just good fun. ;D

Kicks and Giggles

Catching up cont...Murmur's 80th B-day Luau!!!!

We had a wonderful time getting together w/ Mom's side of the family to celebrate grandmom's 80th. We're so grateful for her and the wonderful life that she's lived. We're grateful for her dedication to the gospel and the example she has set. Thank's murmur for being our personal pioneer! We love you!

Happy 80th Murmur

Catching up cont...Visit from Old Friends

Yea Logan and Fam came to visit us!!! We've been going back and forth trying to set up a time to see each other. They live down in Cedar City...but finally they were able to come to Provo and spend some time with us....Katie is so SOOO adorable!!! It was so great to see both Logan and Amy and Josh loved dancin' with Katie. ;D I can't wait to meet their next lil one. Congratulations you two!

Visit from some Old Friends!

Catching up cont...Cousins!!!!

I've had a great time this summer watching Corinne's kids and spending time w/ Nicole and kids. So here are some dif activities that we've been doing. I have to say these are some DANG CUTE PICS!! :D

Summer Fun with Cousins

More catching up...Pioneer Trek

So here's a slideshow of our great kids that we had on the trek. We played a lot of get to know you games on our bus ride up there, so that's where the silly names come in. We had such an amazing experience preparing for trek, and spending time with these great kids; even though it was stunted. I'm so excited though b/c I will get to continue my relationship with them, especially the girls b/c I was just sustained as the new YW President in our ward. :D We meet as a stake b/c our numbers are so few. A bit overwhelming, but very exciting!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Crane Family Reunion 2008

Wow! We had a fantastic Family Reunion this year. Because we were doing it over the 4th, our theme was all about patriotism and why we're so lucky to be Americans. Mom did a great job at the activity ideas. We did a flag raising ceremony, and Lewis and Clark expedition in canoes, a patriotic play, and kids parade. We went down to Payson to have fireworks and a marshmellow shooting war, and a ride on a 4 wheeler. We also shared our personal stories of when we've felt patriotic. Plus the usual camping favorites of campfires, smores, dutch oven cooking, and getting DIRTY!! We did a family birthday party and ended the fun with a trip to veterans memorial pool in Provo. Here's a slide show of some of our adventures. Hope you enjoy!

Crane Family Reunion 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008

HAPPY 4th of July!!! Let Freedom Ring

Yeah, its my favorite Holiday!!!! I'm so grateful for the many freedoms that we have and that this nation was founded under God and is a blessed nation so long as we choose freedom!!! I love the freedoms I enjoy!
We are going up to Payson Lakes for a Crane Family Reunion. Its going to be great! I'll be sure to post lots of pics when we get back. I'm sure there will be plenty of stories to tell.
Say a prayer of thanks for the freedoms you've been given...especially Freedom of Religion!

Sure love all ya'll!! C-U next week.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Sacrifices to make a good impression...LOL

So we have a new student living with us. Her name is Suna (pronounced Sona) She's from Seoul, Korea. In preperation for her coming I wanted to get the sink changed downstairs. We put a new sink upstairs and wanted to move the old one from upstairs down, b/c the one downstairs was cracked all the way across. Well...me being the novice plumber...wait I don't think I can even say I'm that experienced. So we'll just say, me trying to be a novice plumber, invited a friend over to help me...a REAL novice plumber :) Stephanie. Boy were we in for a day!! Well first of all, I thought it was going to be a very simple, unhook the hoses, take the old sink out, put new sink in, hook the hoses back up. HA HA...yeah not like that at all...we had a few hick-ups in our operation. I didn't realize that the sink from upstairs was an 1 1/2 in. taller than the one downstairs. They look identical. But we finally figured that all out after a few trips to the hardware store and a try at the skillsaw, plus a few more calls to friends and family I finally got it put together...just only about 30 mins before our student arrived. THANKS STEPHANIE for all your help!! You're awesome! I was still trying to clean up all the messes in the mean time. So I was a sweaty ugly mess as I welcomed our new student. Oh well. She's very sweet. She's really good with little kids so she and Josh get along great. We'll only have her for 2 months. She's the most advanced student we've had so far. Her english is great and her ability to understand is awesome. Its makes it easier on us! :D

(Pic#1 Steph holding the water hoses b/c we couldn't get the water to stop leaking...(I ended up having to turn the waterheater
connection off)
Pic #2 What I pulled out of the drain from the old sink from upstairs...it had been sitting for a while...NASTY!!!
Pic # 3 The missing screw...I was looking all over for it....yeah it stays attached to the hose. That's when you just have to laugh at yourself.)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Its been a while....

We've had so much going on so there are lots of posts that I need to catch up on. So here's for starters....

I was putting Josh down for the night and telling him that I'm the luckiest mom in the world because I get to be his mom. He promptly replied that He's the luckiest son in the world. :D So I gave him a kiss good night and told him that maybe he should pray to Heavenly Father and ask if we can have another baby. (this wasn't the first time that he'd prayed for it) So he said that he wanted to pray right now, I said ok...so he prayed for a baby brother or sister and when he finished his prayer he looked up at me and said "He said Yes!" Oh the faith of a child...I love it.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

Its been an interesting Father's Day this year. We've been up at Jason's parent's home to celebrate his grandmom's 80th Birthday and we stayed over to visit a little longer. Poor Jason pretty much slept the whole day. So it wasn't much of a Father's Day for him. But we did get to spend some time with his family and of course have some excellent food as usual.
I'm so grateful that I have such a wonderful husband. He's been such a trooper with his recovery. He's been very gracious with me and everyone that has been helping him.
I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that has given me so much. I'm so grateful for my own dad and especially for the opportunity to build a new relationship with him and get to know him. I'm grateful to have him in my life. I know he loves me and that is such a blessing. I'm grateful for my Father in law and the great man that he is. I'm grateful for all the men that have been a good influence in my life. I have lived a very blessed life. I have had many teachers and home teachers that have made such a difference for me. So thank you to all of you.

Friday, June 13, 2008

A Tribute to my Brother Blaine...June 12 1974-June 8 2006

This has been a challenging week for me...remembering my brother (he died in a plane crash two years ago this week) and then also dealing with Jason being hurt. Plus I haven't had my sweet Josh to love and take care of b/c he's been down in CO with his cousins. So, needless to say, I've been very emotional. (Yea!!, Josh came home yesterday, Thank you Dad for picking him up!!!)
I am so grateful that even and especially, through trials, we can see the Lord's hand in our lives. These 4 precious children and their sweet mommy are people that I count as gifts in my life. Gifts given to help me know who my brother was and is in this life. I cherish the relationships that I have with them.
I'm so grateful for the man that my brother was and was trying to become. He had a strong testimony and he strived to do what is right. I wasn't very close to him when he was alive. But I know that he cared about me, and that he loved me. I'm so grateful that he chose such an amazing woman to be his wife. (I love you Nicole!) I count her as my sister.
Thank you Heavenly Father for the gifts I have been given in my life, especially the people that mean so much to me. Thank you for my Savior that allows me to repent and gives the gift of life that I may see all those that go before me...and after me. ;D
2 Years ago Nicole started a tradition of sending off helium balloons to the heavens as a birthday gift for her kids to send to their daddy. (He was found on his 32nd Birthday). So we did it again yesterday on his birthday. It was really sweet to watch the kids let them go...and to do it myself. Here's a clip of the last balloon that we let go. I had the kids all hold it together.
If you want to join in the tradition, no matter where you are in the world...just let a balloon go on June 12th next year. You can do it for anyone that you've loved and lost. (Which for the Pugmire's is not a few) ;D

Thursday, June 12, 2008


The surgery went well. But its been difficult to stay on top of the pain. We've done everything that we've been expected to do as far as doses go, but its not helping as much as it should, so the dr is giving him a stronger dose. Hopefully that will help. Its been an exhausting day. Jason has been a sweetheart and has really tried not to be too demanding. He's been very appreciative of everything that I'm doing and all the help that other's have been doing as well. So thank you everyone for your prayers and for the physical things that you are doing to help. We appreciate it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jason's Injury. How it happened....and the results.

So here's the video of how Jason got hurt. The kid, is I think 6'2 and probably weighs between 250-280lbs. He felt SOO bad when Jason got hurt! He's a good kid. The pictures are at the ER. The xray shows the end of the clavical where it should be attached to the cromian. Its 2 inches down from where is should be. He's having the surgery today to re-attach it. ;D Fun stuff eh?

Monday, June 9, 2008

Jason...the Flying Rock...or should I say Falling Rock!

So as all of you know we were going on our Pioneer Trek this last week with the stake youth conference. We were doing the activities and Jason was doing the "stick pull" -the game that Joseph Smith played as a boy. Anyway, he got thrown over a guys head and landed on his shoulder. He couldn't move after he fell b/c his shoulder was hurting too much. So we had to take him to the ER in Evanston. He COMPLETELY separated his shoulder. He tour all 4 ligaments. He is having surgery on it on Wednesday. We got home about 1:30a this morning and then took him to the orthopedic specialist today. The good thing about it is he should have a full recovery and have full use of his arm. He won't be able to raise his arm above his head for 6 weeks and he won't be able to lift anything for 3 months...that's a hard thing. He's concerned that he can't play with Josh the way he's used too. That's going to be hard on him and I'm sure on Josh too. So if you could keep us in your prayers, we would appreciate it. Love all of you!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A moment of Appreciation...

Jason and I are going to be a 'Ma & Pa' for our stake youth conference, handcart trek. We leave this Wednesday. We needed someone to take care of Josh for us while we are gone, so Jessica (my sis-in-law) was generous and volunteered him to come to their house. We took him down to CO this weekend and just got back home tonight. I have to say...I really appreciate my sweet little boy. He brings so much joy to my life. I miss him already. Other times when I've left him for a trip...we've been very busy and we've left right away, so I had lots of distractions. But this time, I have until Wed before we leave. I have a lot to do, but its really strange to be home and not have him here. I'm grateful for times like these when we can truly and deeply appreciate the people we have been blessed with in our life. We had a GREAT weekend visiting with Dave and Jess. Anyway...I love my little boy. He is my little sunshine. :D

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Yesterday morning as I was driving our Brazilian girls up to the airport, I was listening to B98.7. They were playing "Can you lay it on the line?". Its the game where he reads a line of the lyrics and you have to give the artist and title of the song. So I knew the song...but I couldn't remember the title or the artist...but I dialed anyway. Busy. Busy again. Ring....ahhh I still can't remember and I'm the right caller....so he asks me if I can lay it on the line...and the answer pops into my head! Its RIGHT! and I won 2 tickets to the American Idol Tour!!!! I'M SOOOO EXCITED. I love to sing...and I love watching these singers progress... Anyway...its a date-night for me and my sweet hubby. July 14 baby!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Gifts of the Spirit

Church was fantastic today. In RS we talked about the gifts of the spirit. I took the opportunity to read the lesson this morning...one good thing about having church at 1pm. I loved what Joseph Smith said about how most gifts are received in the quiet moments...not for show or granduer. But to be received and used to build the kingdom. I've thought a lot about what my spiritual gift(s) might be. Its humbling to think about being used as a tool for so great a cause. I'm so grateful for the gifts that I've been given and for the gifts that other's have that have benefited me. What a wonderful plan and purpose the Lord has for each of us. I'm grateful for my Heavenly Father's love for me and His hand in my life.

Funny Analogy...

So as I've been cleaning this week, I had a funny analogy come to me when I was reading my scriptures. You know how Captian Moroni in the book of Alma is talking about maintaining the cities that they occupied and trying to keep sufficient strength there to be able to do so...he said that its easier to maintain them than to have to fight the lamanites to get it back. So the thought occurred to me that its MUCH easier to maintain, the house than to have to declare WAR on it...to get it cleaned again. LOL I thought that was a great analogy. It works for me anyway.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

One Day at a Time...

So this week I have been doing 1 project a day. So far they just been small to medium projects but none the less, my house is getting cleaned out and even my yard is getting some attention. It FEELS SO GOOD!!!!!
My accomplishments for the week
Mon: cleaned out my bedroom including drawers
Tues: cleaned out Josh's bedroom, including drawers
Wed: I can't remember what I did,... lol
Thu: Cleaned family room in the basement. Organized videos, dusted, washed and folded 5 loads of laundry, vacuumed stairs.
Fri: Yard work: cleared out weeds and grass and made a perimeter around the front trees. By our maple tree, (strip on the east side of our driveway) I cleaned out all the weeds from the sidewalk up to about 12 feet up the driveway. I was POOPED!!
Sat: Cleaned Josh's room again, cleaned out hall cupboard, and the kitchen.
Also this week, on top of the 5 loads of laundry I did on Thur. Throughout the week I did an additional 5 or six loads. Jason helped me get them put away today.
So its working! YEAH ME!!! lol

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

I'm so grateful that they assigned a day to celebrate the wonderful women we call Mothers. I've really been reflecting on the influence that the women in my life have been. Of course only one of them is my actual mother, but many women have been powerful influences on me. My mother taught me many things. The first thing that comes to mind is that we don't steal. When I was about 3 I went shopping with her at the Safeway's in Castle Dale. I was riding on the bottom of the cart (the old ones that had a really high basket so you could sit up straight underneath it). She had passed by the candy at the front of the store and I had seen a package of those wafer candies that were pastel colored. They had been broken open and were just sitting there. So as we were passing, I grabbed one of them and ate it without my mom knowing. Whenever she would stop, I would run off back to the candy and take a few more. I would run back to where she was, her hardly noticing that I had left. But when I wanted more, I decided to just take the whole package of the candy and came back and just went to town eating them. She noticed I had gone and come back, so she wondered what I was doing. She came over and bent down and said, "Oh honey, where did you get that from?" I told her that they were here and already open, so I was eating them. And she taught me that when we take things that aren't ours, and we haven't paid for it its stealing and not a good thing. So she took the candy from me and put it in the basket. I remember asking her what she was doing with it, and she said that we had to pay for it, because I had eaten a part of it. I remember feeling bad that I had done something wrong, but I never felt like she didn't love me. And every other time that I was getting into trouble, which was quite a few times, :D she always made me feel that no matter what I did, she would always love me. I have appreciated that my whole life. I'm so grateful for her. "I love you Mom!"

Friday, May 2, 2008

A Special Favor to ask of all those that love and care about us...

I didn't have everybody's email or phone numbers so I thought it would be good to post it on here also. If you could help us by passing this along to others that you may know, that know us we would greatly appreciate it!! This is the email that Jason and I sent out tonight.

We know that for some of you this is the first time we've had contact with you in a long time. But we have a special favor to ask as we consider you our friends and people we care about. We hope that the feeling is mutual. :D

What we are asking of you is a very tender and somewhat difficult thing to ask, but have felt for over a month that we should. As most of you know, Jason and I have a difficult time getting pregnant. It took 3 years for us to get pregnant with Josh, with very little medical intervention. As it has now been 3 years of trying again and no success, we sought professional help. Basically it came down to the fact that both of us needed help...but mostly Jason.

He has what is called a vericocele that is preventing us or significantly reducing the chances of us getting pregnant. It will take a "same-day" surgery to correct the problem. It will take a week for him to recover, so right now, we won't be able to even think about him having the surgery until the end of summer. We still have a small chance that we could get pregnant on our own, but as time passes, the chances decrease and potential problems increase. The procedure costs anywhere between $2-3000. The insurance may cover some of it but most likely not. We aren't worried about the financial side of it, we know if we have faith that a way will be provided. What we would like to ask of you is to add your faith and prayers to ours and do a special fast with us this Sunday, May 4th. What we are asking is for the Lord to provide a way for us to have another child. Whether its through the surgery, or on our own or whatever it is that we need to do. I know that when we add our faith together it is poweful. I know the Lord loves us and gives us the trials we need to come closer to Him. We appreciate the love and friendship that we have with you and pray for you also.

Thank you...in advance.

AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!! Ok...I feel better now

The title of this tells how I feel right now. I'm grumpy b/c we got some frustrating news today. But after a little venting...I'm feeling better. So yesterday I went up to my sis-in-laws to watch her kids and it was great. The kids were good and Josh had fun playing with his cousins. I got to read pretty much the whole day...not a whole lot to do when you spend 11 hours at somebody else's house. But I realized something when I was up there and it hits me everytime I go to her house as well as my mom-in-law's. Their homes are beautiful...not that they have extravagances that I'm coveting...but their houses are very well put together. They are really well organized, everything has a place and everything is in its place. Then I come home to my house and it feels like a never ending project. Nothing is finished...not even in the front two rooms. The basement drives me crazy b/c its unfinished, no ceiling, cinder block walls etc. It just made me realize that if my house was a finished product...it would reduce a lot of stress in my life. So today, I'm being really ambitious and starting where I need to start...which is the garage. We're having company over tonight for a BBQ..gotta love the beautiful weather today!! So I spent the morning cleaning my house...but now I'm heading out to the garage to see how much I can pile into a "get rid of" pile. I'm really wanting to do a "CLEAN SWEEP" of my house....ya know, if you're familiar with the show...take everything out and then go through all of it and only put back in the house what is absolutely necessary or special. Its going to be fun!!! Anyway I better get going. I only have 2.5 hours to work on it.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

People I love

Yee Haw. Ride em Cowboy!

What a cutie. Love this kid!

New Pics

These are pictures from convention and our year end awards event for WFG courtesy of Dawn and Chris Ward. We are chubby but we are in love. :D

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Laman and Lemuel Moment

Have you ever had those moments when you just feel a lot like Laman and Lemuel did, thinking...but this is a hard task that you've asked me to do Lord...Well that was me today. I've been asking a prayer for some time now, and the answer is always the same. But I never get the answer as to "why". I would like to classify myself with Adam and say that I'm doing ...just b/c I was commanded to...ya know and then have an angel come and visit me and tell me my wonderful role in this life...or like Nephi being courageous and break out into song..."I wil go I will do the things the Lord commands..." But that just wasn't me today. I wasn't humble and submissive to the answer I was given and I wasn't bold and courageous, full of faith. I was complaining and fussing that I don't want to do what You want me to do. I like being in my comfort zone. So I was feeling like this all day, until tonight. And I went to my training (WFG) and a light clicked on in my head from something that one of the trainers said and it was awesome. So now I feel like I can be more like Nephi and Adam and stop pestering the Lord with questions He's already answered. :D

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Busy day, Baptisms/Confirmations etc.

I didn't have any down time today except this morning before I got out of bed. But I did get a lot done. We had our "Ma and Pa" meeting tonight. I can't believe our trek is coming up so quickly. Does anyone have a 6 man tent that we can borrow for this? We still need an extra one. Next weekend on the 2-3 we have our overnighter with just the ma's and pa's. I'm excited for it. It will be a good chance to get to know the other "parents". I'm excited for next week also b/c we are going to be set apart by the stake presidency. They were sharing some of the blessings that were given and it was pretty awesome.

Oh, I just realized that I haven't written about the baptisms. They were so sweet! The girls looked so beautiful in their white jumpers. :D Sunday was a real treat though, when they were confirmed the spirit was so abundant. I couldn't help but cry. I am so grateful that I got to be a part of their learning the gospel. My testimony has been strengthened greatly! They are such sweet girls. I pray for their continued growth in the church. In the blessing that Lia was given, she was told to really study the scriptures as well as listening, pondering and acting upon the teachings of our living prophets. Mariana's blessing talked of her finding a choice companion worthy of escorting her to the temple to continue on the path of covenant making that she has started. Corinne was teary eyed too. Dad, Corinne, Troy, Julio and obviously the girls, and Jason and I were there. Mom came to the baptism as well as about 20-30 members of the ward. It was a beautiful experience. I pray for many more in the future. Unfortunately, Lia is probably moving out this week. We will be sad to see her go. She is probably going to move in with her brother Julio. She'll be here until May 20th and go back to Brazil for the summer. She's coming back here in the fall for school. So anyway...I'm so tired I can hardly type anymore...I'll fill you in on more details of life later.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Out of the mouth of babes

So Josh is giving his first talk in primary on Sunday. They are also spotlighting him so I asked him the questions and these were his responses.
Q: The thing I like best about Primary is:
A: Learning about Jesus
Q: My favorite story book is:
A: Jesus Loves me
Q: The think I like best about school is:
A: Reading
Q: When I am grown up, I want to be:
A: Like Corbin Bleu on Disney's "Jump In" and a dad b/c I want to be just like my dad.
Q: In the summertime, I like to:
A: Play ball with my mom
Q: My Favorite story in the scriptures is:
A: when Jesus died and was resurrected
Q: I think the best thing about being a missionary would be:
A: teaching about Jesus
Q: My favorite primary song is:
A: I am a Child of God

Isn't that so cute. Those were the real answers he gave. I thought the one about the missionaries is great...he's been here for many missionary discussions. He loves Elder Lasike. He's from Tonga. Anyway. I've gotta get the rest of my work done for today.

Josh, the Little Missionary

I was making cookies this morning for the baptism tonight and Josh was taking a bath. He'd been in there quite a while and I had taken a batch of cookies out of the oven and I could over hear him talking. This is what I over heard "and Heavenly Father doesn't want us to get lost and he wants us to live. and we'll die and then we'll be resurrected in the name of Jesus Christ amen." If I'd had the video camera handy, I would have got it on tape. He said some other things but I can't remember them now. ..."out of the mouth of babes"!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Breath Mel, Just Breath...

The last 5 days have been pretty high strung. I've had a bazillian things on my plate to do and I have tried really hard not to waste time so that I could use ALL of my time most effectively. I have been able to accomplish quite a lot...but in the mean time b/c I was so stressed I unfortunately snapped at Jason and Josh several times. But now I think that I'm ok...I can breath a little easier. I got the most major things done and now I just need to do the programs for Lia and Mariana's Baptism (our Brazilian girls) and practice the songs that I'm singing. I really have my Heavenly Father to thank b/c as I have been really trying to over come my addiction to idleness, He has really helped me to stay on task. I've remembered things that I wouldn't normally remember in my frenzied state of mind, and I've really felt His spirit comfort me to let me know that I would be able to get everything accomplished that I need to do and how and who to delegate to for things that I can't do. I'm so grateful for my testimony. I'm grateful for my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I know He really is listening to me and answering my prayers. I'm so blessed. I've just really felt a lot of gratitude for everything that I have and whom I'm surrounded by. I have the most AMAZING husband. He puts up with so much and is so patient with me. I have a BEAUTIFUL son that loves me and we have a great relationship. My family (Pugmires and Cranes) loves me "warts" and "all". :D I have many great friends, old and new. I love my calling, though its stressful at times (VT Coordinator). I live in a beautiful home that I'm enjoying improving, I'm healthy, happy and in love. :D What more could I ask for? Anyway...Thank you Heavenly Father.

Proud Moments for Mom

Yesterday I let Josh go over to the park with his friends Lincoln and Daniel and their mom Stephanie. She was flying kites with them. I came over about a half hour later and she told me that Josh had been playing with another little boy that was being mean to him. She told me that Josh told the little boy in a very kind tone something to the effect of "it would be a lot better if you were nice. I want to play with you but I don't like you being mean. Please stop being mean" She said that the other little boy kind of sat there with a confused/surprised look on his face and said "ok". Yeah for good manners!!!!! -I've really been trying to work with Josh on not being bossy and yelling etc. I was so proud. Then today Lincoln and Daniel were over here and they were starting a movie, Josh and Lincoln were watching but Danieal was more interested in the toys-a noisy one. It was disturbing Josh so he very kindly asked Daniel not to play with that toy because it was really loud. Daniel said "ok." So kudos to Josh for learning how to get his way in an appropriate way!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring Cleaning

So I've continued to spring clean over the last 3 days. I hope Jason will be excited when he gets home tonight. I've just done one thing a day. It doesn't seem so daunting that way. I have to give a BIG THANK YOU to Rich, our neighbor who came over on Thursday and tilled our garden and front flower bed for us. It made my day! I've been wanting to get it done but Jason is so busy and its not the fastest thing to do, and I've never done it so I was a little nervous to rent a tiller and do it. Now I can plant my flowers and my garden. Yippee!!

What a wonderful world

Oh its such a beautiful day today! Its SUNSHINE and BLUE SKIES!!! Yeah for Spring! I got to go to the temple this morning and do initiatory and then came home and took Josh over to the park to play baseball. It was so fun throwing the ball for him and watching how good he is at hitting it. At first we were just on the grass but then I took him over to the diamond so he could run around the bases. I'm not the best pitcher so I kept telling him I was sorry when I threw a bad pitch. He told me "its ok mom, that happens sometimes. You don't have to keep telling me you're sorry." What a sweetie. We played for an hour and a half. I took Dakota with us so she could get some exercise too. I love being a mom. Josh was so good for me yesterday too. I was so proud of him for being so obedient yesterday. And today he didn't have any tantrums...(refer to the blog about playing soccer) though I suppose that could be in part because no one was trying to take the ball away from him. ;D