I didn't have everybody's email or phone numbers so I thought it would be good to post it on here also. If you could help us by passing this along to others that you may know, that know us we would greatly appreciate it!! This is the email that Jason and I sent out tonight.
We know that for some of you this is the first time we've had contact with you in a long time. But we have a special favor to ask as we consider you our friends and people we care about. We hope that the feeling is mutual. :D
What we are asking of you is a very tender and somewhat difficult thing to ask, but have felt for over a month that we should. As most of you know, Jason and I have a difficult time getting pregnant. It took 3 years for us to get pregnant with Josh, with very little medical intervention. As it has now been 3 years of trying again and no success, we sought professional help. Basically it came down to the fact that both of us needed help...but mostly Jason.
He has what is called a vericocele that is preventing us or significantly reducing the chances of us getting pregnant. It will take a "same-day" surgery to correct the problem. It will take a week for him to recover, so right now, we won't be able to even think about him having the surgery until the end of summer. We still have a small chance that we could get pregnant on our own, but as time passes, the chances decrease and potential problems increase. The procedure costs anywhere between $2-3000. The insurance may cover some of it but most likely not. We aren't worried about the financial side of it, we know if we have faith that a way will be provided. What we would like to ask of you is to add your faith and prayers to ours and do a special fast with us this Sunday, May 4th. What we are asking is for the Lord to provide a way for us to have another child. Whether its through the surgery, or on our own or whatever it is that we need to do. I know that when we add our faith together it is poweful. I know the Lord loves us and gives us the trials we need to come closer to Him. We appreciate the love and friendship that we have with you and pray for you also.
Thank you...in advance.
Everyday February
5 days ago
My doctor frowns on me fasting, but Aaron can still manage it, and we'll definitely keep you in our prayers!
Our prayers are with you guys! I didn't get a chance to read this until after the fast was over, but we wish you all the best of luck. I hope it will all work out and you will have a new little one soon! Oh, and for future reference, our e-mail is amberhalversen(at)yahoo(dot)com. Make sure you spell the last name right! I'd love you to send us your e-mail address as well!
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