Thursday, December 18, 2008

A little comic relief....aka Joshua's new words to an old song

As we were eating breakfast this morning, Josh turned on my Harry Connick Jr. Christmas CD. He loves the Rudolph and Toy Parade songs on it...but a new favorite (most likely because of the drum beat) he asked Jason and I if we liked the song "Rub a bum bum". We both just started laughing...even as I'm typing this I'm still laughing. Oh, how he makes me laugh!!! I love this little guy in my life! Hope you enjoyed a little comic relief yourself.


Unknown said...

kids are hilarious, aren't they? Ok, don't fall over, but I actually started a blog, so guess you could check it out if you have a chance. Just to forewarn you, I'm a little long-winded!!! :)

Anna said...

That Harry Connick, Jr. CD was one of my mom's favorites! I "inherited" it and now it's one of ours! My favorite though is "I pray on Christmas".

Melanie said...

Josh LOVES that one too! Its so funny to watch him dance to it. He's usually really into hip-hop but he does this funny little jig on that song! I love gospel music so its one of my fav!!