Can I just tell you how much I love this time change?? When you wake up on a beautiful Sunday morning and realize you get another hour to do whatever you want. The leaves are absolutely gorgeous b/c it rained last night and so their colors are more vibrant than ever. Its a beautiful day.
So something interesting is happening in my life right now. Before I get into it, I need to give some background. All growing up, one of my life's goals and dreams has been to be someone that inspires others to be better. I've wanted to do that through testimony but especially through the power of music. So in essence I've wanted to be a motivational speaker and do musical firesides. Having had no experience in that, I've been pretty intimidated to put anything together. However about 6 years ago, I started feeling this really strong impression that I needed to do it. But, I let fear get in the way and the rest of life took over so it never happened. Because of personal experiences in the last 3 years I've developed an even deeper and greater understanding of the atonement and so that pressing desire to share my testimony has become even stronger. Back in March I had emailed our stake music chair and had mentioned to him my desires to do a musical fireside about the Savior and the Atonement. The reason I mentioned it to him was to have him as a source of experience that I could draw on in putting something together like this. I didn't hear back from him until a month ago. He's been attending our Sunday school class on music and how to use the hymn book more effectively etc. He stopped me after class and brought up the email. He said he would love to help me with it. It would probably need to be on a ward level b/c it would be a lot harder to do it on a stake level as far an approval from the stake presidency goes. That was my intention anyway so I was excited to know we could start working on something. Then 2 weeks ago, he came up to me and told me that he'd just gotten out of a meeting with the stake presidency and they thought it would be really good to have a musical fireside on the Savior and asked if he could put something together for Easter. So he told me that if I would be able and willing he'd like to delegate that to me, and that he would get it ok'd with the Stake Presidency. I felt humbled and honored and of course agreed. So that's been the most pressing thought on my mind as of late. I know its 5 months away but I know that it takes a lot of preparation and due diligence to make something like that a success, but I've felt a calmness and humility that the Lord will be able to use me and many others in the stake to get His message across. I'm very excited for the opportunity to bear testimony of Him and to testify of His power to heal us. I love my Savior and I want as many people as possible to feel of His great power in their life.
I'll probably need feedback from all ya'll when I start to get something together. So be ready to help me bounce ideas off of you. ;D Have a beautiful Sabbath!
Everyday February
5 days ago
Mel you have an amazing talent with music, I am sure it will be a wonderful fireside.
Ditto - I think that is awesome. I wanted so badly to work on a special musical for Christmas and found out today that our choir director vetoed my suggestion - and that is all good b/c that is her calling but I am selfish enough that I wanted that feeling for myself as well as the rest of the ward. Carry on - you'll do a beautiful job!
i know you will do amazing. you are very talented and have wonderful musical talents! you are so wonderful!
Holy smokes! That is wonderful! Good luck. :-D
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