Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rewards for Bad behavoir

Lately, I've been a bum...a lazy bum that is and I've watched a lot of TV.  Among several shows I've watched Biggest Loser and HEAVY and just the other night I was watching Clean House.  I've been fascinated with the shows and reflecting on the type of mentality that it took for these people to get into the situation that they are in.  Here's my little disclaimer: I know that there is a lot of pain and abuse etc that exists and I honor those that are seeking help for their addictions. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there to get help especially in a very public way.  My thought for the title of this post stems from my own green envy: jealousy.  And it comes from ingratitude as well but here it inner most personal thoughts for ya'll to read.
  Basically, I've really been wanting a gym membership and a personal trainer to assist me in overcoming my own addictions of sugar and idleness, I REALLY want some new clothes and some things for the house to make it more beautiful.  But in order to have some outside assistance I'd have to be really extreme...ya know over 300 lbs or be a horder or something.  In the Clean House Episode they were doing the messiest house in America.  Every room had stuff piled up waist high, once they got it all cleaned out, they found $5000 worth of spare change/dollar bills in there tiny house.  WHAT?!  Their "yard sale" filled a 10k sq ft warehouse and they made 19k from it.  Then they got to have their ENTIRE house made over.  This is what I mean by being rewarded for bad behavior.  Who wouldn't like to have someone come into their place and do a complete remodel, especially while you're in a hotel?!  I realize they do a lot of the work too, but really??  How do you come to live like that in the first place?  I know, I know...let me call the Wambulance on myself.  Whoa is me that I'm not getting what I want right now...but here's where my years of business/mental toughness comes in....GO AND CREATE WHAT YOU WANT...YOU HAVE THE TOOLS SO STOP MAKING EXCUSES AND MAKE IT HAPPEN...TAKE ACTION TODAY!  EVERY DAY!  This is where I reflect on all the tools that I've been given and it shakes me up a bit.  I get to be accountable for how I've created my own current situation.  30-35lbs overweight (depending on the week); Addicted to sugar; Addicted to idleness; I have created all of this.  Which puts me in a great position of being the one to get me out of it, of course with the Lord's help.  I do have the ability to reach my goals.  Its just a matter of consistency.  So...1st steps first.  I get to create a vision board of exactly what it is that I want to create in my life...I'll keep you updated on how its going.  In the mean time...I'm going to get off the computer and go organize my food storage shelves!  Have a wonderful day! 


Unknown said...

What a beautiful blog and your thoughts are spot on. Why does society reward bad behavior? We really should be doing as you're doing and taking control of ourselves.

teresa and the boys said...

I'm right there with ya' on this one, Mel. I realize that there are a lot of issues that aren't dealt with on the shows, but still -- I want someone to come professionally decorate my house while I stay in a posh hotel! That said, the show does make me feel a little better about my own housekeeping skills (or occasional lack thereof)! I watch Supernanny about once a month (when i happen to catch it on) for the same reason -- it makes me totally appreciate my relatively well-behaved kids!

Jacqui said...

I totally get you. I have been struggling with several things lately myself, including being 20 lbs overweight and stuffing myself to the hilt every day. I realize that what I am doing (eating everything in sight and ALWAYS needing to be full) is an overcompensation for something else in my life. I have a gym membership and use it 5x per week. I'm in great shape, but I am overweight because I refuse to make a mental change. It's all in my head and I know it. Change is hard, especially when you've indulged in bad habits--I am speaking for myself here.

I think you're on the right track--acknowledging there is a problem and wanting to right it. My issue is I want is NOW. I don't want to work for a year to take off the weight that took a year to put on. I want a quick fix. Unfortunately all good, satisfying things take work. For me, one thing at a time makes a big difference. Changing one habit--I won't eat after eight, or I will limit my sugar to X--really helps me. I thing Weight Watchers is TERRIFIC and am going to go back in two weeks (going out of town first). It's not expensive overall and is an investment in your health, which to me is worth every dime. I lost 22 lbs. on the program before having my son, and need to recommit myself to health, even if it means investing a few dollars per week to do so.

Keep us updated. We all struggle with this to some extent.

Melanie said...

Thanks for your comments. I love the feedback. I appreciate you taking time to read this and comment. Its nice to get outside perspective. Jacqui...I really miss reading your blog! If you wouldn't mind, send me an invite

Emily said...

Good point! I never thought about the fact that these people really ARE being rewarded for bad behavior!

Soimetimesthings are a lot easier said than done- especially when it's YOURSELF you're trying to motivate,it's so easy to slack off and justify little slip ups.. Good luck onn your quest, I just started a new one today too :) Oh, & I think creating a vision board s a fantastic idea!