Hey Look, I am posting something
Melanie, and the kids are doing really well visiting everyone down in UT. Thank you for all of your love show and expressed to her. I have been loving the time alone up here as I never get alone time, however it is time for them to come back... NOW...just kidding. I am starting to really miss all three of them though, it makes me appreciate the messy house a little bit more when I come home at night. Because it really gets boring to come home to a clean home every day, when I left it that way before. I guess I never know what I will come home to when they are all here and that makes it exciting. Don't misunderstand me, I am not saying that the house is always messy, Melanie does a fantastic job of keeping it clean most of the time. Have you ever seen how my daughter has two modes only... Super-fast-destroyer-of-all-that-is-reachable (which is just about everything now because she is part ape), and asleep.
Some of you may not know this and so to let you know, I am going back to school in September, I have been accepted to WSU and to CBC the local community college. I have decided to become a Nurse Anesthetist. So I have chosen to go to CBC as it will save me about $20,000 and allow me to work after becoming an RN. I have one year that I have to wait as I missed the deadline by a day, so that will allow me to take a couple of classes to catch back up on things and then go into the Nursing program. It is apparently a very competitive and well respected program. Then I will go on to WSU to do their RN to BSN program while I am still able to work. Which will allow me to get the necessary experience before moving on to a Nurse Anesthetist program. So we will be up here in WA for at least 5 more years and then on to some school. There are several schools around the country that teach that masters program so we don't know what will happen at that point.
Everyday February
5 days ago