Thursday, January 10, 2008

Dakota, The Hide and Seek Expert

For Family Home Evening on Monday, we played "Hide and Seek" with Jason, Josh, Andrea, Lia, and me. Dakota would stay with whoever was counting and then would help them find everybody. Its so funny because she goes into the bedrooms or closets or whereever someone is hiding and she sits there and barks at them. She especially likes to find me. I was hiding under the kitchen table (we play with most of the lights out to make it more fun) and I was being really quiet. She almost walked passed me, but suddenly she jumped down on her front paws, you know the playful stance that dogs do with their bums up in the air wagging and their chest on the ground. She barked, which startled me, and then started playfully growling at me and then she went down to my feet and started tugging at the them. I was laughing really hard. The next round, I went and hid on the stairs, she came over almost emmediately and barked at me, but then I told her to be quiet and she laid down at the top of the stairs just staring at me and sometimes growling slightly. She's such a funny dog. We love her.

1 comment:

Kanien said...

This is Kanien, Nathans sister. I think that is a great idea to change the most weight lost to the most percentage lost. just email me and I can set you up as a user on the blog. Thanks for joining, I think it is going to be fun.