Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Perfect Picture

What I thought of when I saw this picture was that He, my Lord and Savior is aware of me, even in my own burning infernos that I sometimes create in my life. His arms are out-stretched always open and ready to receive me. No matter what forces come against me to destroy my Spirit, with Christ I can do all things. - Provo firefighters still fighting tabernacle fire Gallery Viewer

Friday, December 17, 2010

A beautiful Monument....beautiful memories

The Provo Tabernacle was such an icon of beauty and sacred ground.  I loved singing in Stake Conference up in the choir seats.  I loved the concerts that we attended and the way the sound reverberated through out.  Walking up the spiral staircases to go upstairs was always fun...coming down them was much more scary haha.  So sad to see the videos of watching this beautiful building burn.  So much history and heritage there.  Blessed for the memories we have to remember it.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Peek a Poo" Where are you?

Aliya, my sweet girl.  My very active and curious little one.  I'm recording this memory for you to laugh with me when you're older.  You are currently in a phase as to undressing yourself and more to that is you don't seem to like to have your diaper on anymore.  I'm not sure if its because you've discovered something new that you can do and so you do it over and over again, or if you are just ready to be potty trained b/c you don't want it next to you once you've done your business.  A few days ago, I was busy in the kitchen baking and allowing you to play in the living room.  I kept checking on you to make sure you weren't getting into too much trouble.  You had been playing so well.  But then I heard what sounded like two papers being rubbed together.  So I came to check on you and you were standing in the dining room on top of a chair.  Your pants were down around your ankles and you were wiping yourself with napkins from the food storage shelfs.  And your diaper was no where to be found.  You had poop all over your bum and you were just rubbing it around with the napkins.  Bleh!  So I got you cleaned up and re-dressed and then went on the hunt for your diaper.  You were in such a small playing area, where could you have taken off your diaper?  I circled several times around the living room/kitchen/dining room to see where you had left it. But I couldn't find it.  Oh no, did you put it in the pile of clean laundry on the couch?...Oh good, you didn't.  Did you put it on the food storage shelves...please tell me you didn't that's just really too gross!...Oh good, not there either.  Where in the world did you leave it?  I can smell it when I'm standing by the chair....AHH HAA!  You threw it away in the kitchen garbage!  Good least it wasn't smeared anywhere...oh wait, upon further inspection of the floor by the looks like you sat down or should I say squished down!  Luckily it was on the hard plastic floor cover and easy to clean up.  Mommy is so grateful for Lysol Wipes!  But, please next time, could you just grab another diaper like you used to and let me know you want to be changed?  I love you sweetheart.  You're full face grin melts my heart and I'm so grateful to be your mommy.  XOXO

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hi, My name is Melanie Crane and I'm a Mormon!

I was having a little fun today being in the Christmas spirit and wanting to watch the "Hallelujah Chorus" Flash mob on You tube again and on the side panel was this "Hi, I'm a mormon".  So I clicked on it and it takes you to this great new site that the church has done and it just has random people from all walks of life and they share what they do and that btw, they're mormon.  I got lost in was so great.  Totally made my day.  Well one of them is Alex Boye and on his panel he does a comparison of the scriptures vs our cell phones.  It was awesome so I wanted to share it with all of you!  Scroll down and read under Fequently Asked Questions

