Wow, can I just say that was such a powerful meeting! I can see the mantle of responsibilities our leaders have and I'm just amazed. With everything that's going on in the world right now, I've really keyed into what our leaders have been teaching. Especially the Prophet and those that serve with him. The Lord knows what we need to hear and when we need to hear it. What I need to do is Listen and Act. So I want to share what I got out of the meeting.
Sister Beck: "There is more to be done. Its time for us to fulfill our purpose-as never before." I know many people, especially sisters feel worn out and feel like they are doing what they can so I think its interesting that we're being told that there's more to do...its time to step up. I've been feeling this in my own life, like I need to cut out the fat and do only what's truly important. Its much easier to think about it, than to change habits and do it. But I feel inspired that I really can do a lot more than I'm doing. I can prioritize better and not waist so much time.
"We have an official commission to be part of the Lord's work. Look after the spiritual welfare and salvation of each sister. How: 1. Increase our faith and personal righteousness (what is holding us back to get to the next level of spirituality and personal connection with the Savior?) 2. Strengthen families & homes. Defend and practice the truths! Our homes HAVE to be a refuge for our children. Relief Society will be your "mother". Be powerful spiritual leaders. 3. Serve the Lord and His children. W/O personal revelation we cannot succeed. W/ Revelation we cannot fail. Be quiet and listen. Receiving revelation isn't pushing buttons; its pushing us. The Lord cannot fulfill his purposes w/o His daughters. We need a BIGGER personal offering." Wow...its time to get bigger. :D
Sis. Allred: "The ordinances of the temple are symbolic that we may be taught from on high by the spirit. The gifts we bring to the alter are clean hands and a pure heart. Attend the temple to increase your vision of His eternal plans." -Over the last 4-5 years, I've been taught to dream big, to be around people that can stretch my vision so that I may be stretched and reach my potential...who can stretch my vision more of my purpose than My Heavenly Father?
Sis. Thompson: " Act on those sympathies that God has planted in our hearts. VTing: If the sister being taught had something to share she would bless her sisters. If she was in need, the teachers gave to her." - I think that's interesting. We need to have the attitude of offering what we have to give and being willing to accept help when we are in need. "RS is not just a class on Sunday. Its part of our heritage. Next time I'm asked to speak, have something to say." -I thought that story was so funny! and its a reminder that we need to be studying and developing that personal relationship to be able to share it when we are called upon. "Step Up and Be Strong. Be Bold in my life and testimony. If I live up to my priveledge, the angels cannot be restrained. (I truly believe that and have felt that in my life!) We CAN be extraordinary today! We can be a mighty force for good."
Pres. Uchtdorf: "What a blessing to be surrounded by the many women that shape us. We under value our abilities and focus on the things not accomplished. Instead...FOCUS on what HAS been accomplished. (I have a renewed dedication to do this. ) What is the greatest kind of happiness? God's. Which is Creating and Being Compassionate
Everyone can create something of substance and beauty. My Spirit body is a masterpiece. It is my birthright to experience a fullness of joy. What I create does not have to be perfect. See how many smiles you can create. Adorn your mind with all the graces of Jesus Christ (I think that was beautifully said). Create beauty all around me and w/in me that the angels may come and visit and I can look on my creations w/ pleasure. The Lord smiles on those that care for the least of His children. Work will cure your grief(I say AMEN!) Serve others -Pres. Hinckley- Those that bring sunshine to those around them can't keep it from themselves. EVERY SISTER IS NEEDED. True words of encouragement only require a loving heart but may have eternal impact. (how many of you have felt that? I know I have many times. Which means, I need to speak up more to share my appreciation for the wonderful people around me). He that is greatest, be the servant. The # of prayers I say are important but the # of prayers I answer are more significant. (I thought that was profound) Happiness is my heritage. By my compassionate service I am a force for good.
Don't you just feel empowered to go out and do more? To be better? We just need to pick 1 or 2 things and start working on them. We don't have to do it all, we just have to move forward. Hope you enjoyed the conference as much as I did and that you're enjoying General Conference. :D
2 weeks ago
You are so awesome - interesting that the same things inspired both of us. You could have taken my notes and written the same blog. And I loved General Conference - I am working on my faith right now - so as not to fear. I want to carry out the feelings that I have in my heart at this time. You are such an inspiration!
Thanks Sonja. Where's your blog?? Thanks for your comments and love. :D
I don't have one - I just thoroughly enjoy reading and keeping up with everyone else's. I link on through Tara and then go to all of her "friends". It's so interesting and most delightful. I know it hasn't been that long and I should remember all of the Conover girls names, but who else is in the picture besides Heidi and Melissa. Tiffany maybe? Darling pictures of Josh and his new friend. Cute conversation - oh that life were that simple and uncomplicated! However, falling in love with two people may complicate things, haha. Keep smiling and keep blogging. I love it.
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