As we've anticipated conference, we've been talking a lot to Josh about how excited we were to be able to listen to the prophet's and apostles. Josh's primary teacher has been doing the same. Conference was wonderful as usual and when we got home Sunday night, Josh's teacher had dropped him off his weekly treat that had a Hand on it that said "Testimony on the fingers of one hand." In each of the Fingers it had a different point on it.
1. The Living Prophet is Thomas S. Monson.
2. I know that God is our Father in Heaven and that He loves us.
3.Jesus Christ is His Son, our Savior and Redeemer.
4. Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God. He translated the Book of Mormon by the gift and power of God.
5. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord's Church on the earth today.
After reading it I decided it would make a great FHE lesson for Monday night. Jason had asked me to conduct FHE and I told him that I wanted Josh to give the lesson with his help. So Jason helped Josh give this great little lesson and then at the end encouraged Josh to share his own testimony, without help. This is what he said...
"I know that President Monson is the living prophet and I know that I can be a prohet too..."
Whoa, wait a minute, let's back up! We then lovingly re-explained how Prophet's are called by the Lord, that we can't just decide we can be a prophet too. He, in his 5 year old attitude, "nuh uh! I can be a prophet!" "I'm sorry Josh, Prophets are called by the Lord, by Prophecy and by the Laying on of hands...(continuing the 5th Article of Faith). That seemed to resolve it. But then this morning as I was taking him to school he says to me
"Mom, I really wish the Lord would call me to be the prophet."
"Really, Josh? Why do you want to be a prophet?"
"Because I want to teach Heavenly Father."
"Well, we don't teach Him, He teaches us."
"Yeah well I really want to be a prophet."
So, its given me some things to think about. I know that we don't aspire to callings in the church. I do know that as we live righteously, we're put in positions to influence others for good and to grow our talents. I'm not thinking that Josh in his innocence is predicting the future, but the thought just occurred to me, "I wonder if Pres. Monson's Mother, knew she was raising a prophet?" "If I knew I was raising a prophet would I do things differently?" But it occurs to me right now, that mentioned in this very conference that we just witnessed, it was said that we are raising the next generation of the church's leadership. I will leave my mark on the world, by the influence of good I have on my children and the contributions they leave will be in part because of how I taught them as their mother. Hmm..definitely some points for me to ponder. I'm so grateful that I can take baby steps...however keep improving on my weaknesses and growing my talents to be an instrument in His hands.
2 weeks ago